Monday, October 3, 2011

Back in Time...

It's the start of our fall break, so we took a little trip back in time to Chattanooga.  I say back in time not only because of the history of the Choo Choo, but because I have so many childhood memories in Chattanooga.  Not only is it my birthplace, but has always been my second home because my Dad and Michelle lived there.  My mom and I also spent many summer weekends in east Tennessee while I played in softball tournaments.

One of my fondest memories was that of the Chattanooga Choo Choo.  It was so long ago, but I remember staying up to watch the Miss America pageant the night that we stayed on the traincar.  I may only have a few memories from that trip, but they were enough for Daniel and I to want to experience the same with our own son.  Brady was in his element surrounded by trains, if only I could have captured the look on his face when we walked into that hotel. We made a weekend of it and experienced some great things in Chattanooga.  The highlights of our trip were the choo choo, Three Sisters Bluegrass Festival, the Chattanooga Aquarium and Ruby Falls. They have really done alot with the area, and we look forward to many more trips there with Mr.B!  Enjoy the pics!

Our Traincar!

The Three Sisters Bluegrass Festival

Dancin' away!

The Three Sisters Bluegrass Festival

Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls

It took awhile to get here, but it was worth it!

Ruby Falls